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Making Summer More Memorable

Posted on Wednesday, July 02, 2014 @ 12:16:35 UTC in Society
by Admin

J_Lang_Wood writes:  

MANSFIELD, OH - Summers pass so quickly, especially in today's hectic world. Finding ways to slow down to enjoy the summer months can be a challenge. Harking back to slower-paced times in our society can help to make summer days feel as if they are lasting longer. These activities allow people to enjoy both the warmer weather and the time spent in the company of family and friends.


 Summer Fun
Photo © Douglas Dickens | Dreamstime Stock Photos


Fourth of July

Fourth of July provides many opportunities to make the day special. Most communities around the United States offer parades and events for children and adults. Your local veteran's group or chamber of commerce may provide a number of special activities for the holiday. Attending a fireworks display is a great way to spend time with family and friends. Arrive early at the location to avoid parking headaches and to get a good place. Bring lawn chairs, snacks, beverages and activities to pass the time while you're waiting for the fireworks to begin. Take plenty of pictures to commemorate the event.


Photo © Dana Rothstein | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Beach Time

A trip to the beach is the quintessential summer experience. However, you don't have to take an expensive flight to Florida or Cape Cod. Almost every state has a lake area that offers beach and water activities during the summer. These areas are often very crowded during the summer, so make your reservation early for lodgings or campgrounds. Bring beach toys, coolers, swimsuits and plenty of sunscreen. You can have a picnic lunch on the beach, play volleyball, enjoy sunbathing or simply float on the water.


County Fairs

One of the most traditional events of American summers is the county fair. You don't have to be a rural resident to enjoy these fairs. They offer a wide variety of entertainment including music, dancing, rides, livestock judging, rodeo, karaoke contests and other fun activities. Hot corn on the cob, cotton candy, barbecue and a wide range of other foods are usually available. Bring a hat and sunscreen to keep you safe in the summer sun.

BBQ Time
Photo © Daniel Gilbey | Dreamstime Stock Photos

Backyard Barbecues

The backyard barbecue has been around since the 1950s, and it's still a good way to gather family and friends for a pleasant outdoor meal. One of the traditional customs is bringing a dish to the meal to help round out the food offerings, and these can be assigned to each family attending. Take this opportunity to invite the neighbors with whom you only have a waving acquaintance or co-workers you'd like to know on a more personal basis. Set up volleyball net, have playing cards on hand or any type of outdoor entertainment you think your group would enjoy.

Outdoor Concerts

Another pleasant summer activity is the outdoor concerts offered by many local communities. These concerts can be a good way to relax after a busy week and can help you to introduce your children to other forms of music. You can also meet friends and neighbors there to enlarge your social group. Bring lawn chairs, blankets, snacks and beverages for a comfortable evening in the summer air.



For a list of July 4th Festivities in the Mid Ohio area click here:  FIREWORKS!

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