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Community Reaches Out To Fire Victims.

Posted on Thursday, May 25, 2017 @ 16:06:34 UTC in Business
by admin

Admin writes:  

Hot Rod Studios, One of downtown Mansfield's business residents, was met with disaster when on Wednesday, May 17th, 2017 at around 8:00 AM a fire broke out in the middle of their shop and caused extensive heat and smoke damage to their work space and facility.

Hot Rod Studio Fire

The Hot Rod Studio recently moved to downtown to spread its wings with more space to do the excellent work they've been doing for the last several years. 

Owner Operator, Cory Solinger said "The fire inspector concluded that it was spontaneous combustion in a trash can that caused the event.  This combustion was right by where the paint was stored and this made it burn really hot really fast."


Fire Damage

Sadly as a result of still getting every thing lined up from the recent move there was no insurance for the current location. So a GoFundMe page has been started to help these fine men get back on their feet and help keep the good thing they had going in our community.


Through the gofundme page, in addition to accepting donations, they are working to get back on their feet by selling TShirts, Caps, and one of their very popular color change products to help raise money to save the studio.  At the time of this article they had already raised over $3,000 but they have a long road ahead and could use our help.


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