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June First Friday Shop Hop in Downtown Mansfield

Posted on Wednesday, May 30, 2018 @ 19:54:35 UTC in Community Articles
by Event_Editor

MelissaH0243 writes:  

Join Downtown Mansfield, Inc. in historic downtown Mansfield for the First Friday Shop Hop!

Over fifty independent businesses now populate the city center. To celebrate longtime patrons and welcome new guests, downtown businesses offer entertainment, hold unique events and offer specials during the first Friday Shop Hop. Guests are encouraged to meet friends and explore the new face of downtown Mansfield.

First Friday Shop Hop is free and open to the public! Shop Hop is for the whole family!

Friday, June 1st

Haring Realty
is going to be hosting a FREE and FUN scavenger hunt at their Welcome Center downtown at 130 N. Main St., Mansfield, from 5:00[m-7:00pm.  Bring your friends or family and search the area restaurants and store fronts for all six clues to solve the scavenger hunt. Once you find them all and come back to the office, you'll be entered to win the grand prize. The winner will receive an overnight stay for four at Comfort Inn/Splash Harbor in Bellville! Giveaways and snacks will be offered throughout the evening, so be sure to pop in and check them out! Or just stop by and while you're in the area for some free popcorn. We'd love to see you!

Main Street Books at 104 N. Main St., Mansfield,
will host a "What's Your Passion?" event for June First Friday Shop Hop from 6:00pm-7:30pm! Community members and individuals working in higher education will have a brief period of time to discuss things they are passionate about!

The evening consists of four community members and two local people who work in higher education. Each person has five to ten minutes to explain what they care about most. The subject of each talk need not be what the speaker teaches or does as a profession; in fact, many of them will not be.

The range of subjects is wide and wild! The line-up of speakers currently includes Cynthia Callahan, Aurelio Villa Luna Diaz, Lou Graziani, Kate Shannon, Jean Taddie, and Steve Taylor.

The ultimate goal behind “What’s Your Passion?” is to not only provide an interesting and enlightening evening for the people of Mansfield, but to also bring together the worlds of downtown Mansfield and the local academia. We have so much in common! Also, both can benefit from the knowledge, expertise, and passion of the other. Pooling our resources is an obvious step toward the ambition of strengthening our entire community.

Experience Shop Hop in historic downtown Mansfield!

For additional and up to the minute information follow Downtown Mansfield, Inc. on Facebook, email at info@downtownmansfield.com or call 419-522-0099.

Downtown Mansfield Incorporated’s mission is to stimulate economic development, improve the appearance and create a positive image of the downtown as a desirable place to work, live, shop and invest.

Downtown Mansfield, Inc.
128 N. Main St., Mansfield

Photo Credit: Facebook Event Page

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