
July Garden Walk at KingWood Center Gardens
Date: Thursday, July 21, 2016 @ 17:50:16 CDT
Topic: Outdoor

At this time of year, the Kingwood grounds abound with beautiful blooming plants such as daylilies, hostas, perennials and annuals.

 Kingwood Center Flowers

These collections will be highlighted on a special walk led by Bill Collins, Kingwood’s Head Gardener, on Saturday, July 30, from 9:30 to 11 a.m.

 The walk will start at the Workshop. Advance registration and fee payment of $3 (members and volunteers, free) is required by calling 419-522-0211 Ext. 107, Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 2 p.m.



See their facebook event page here


Photo Credit: James Pennington

This article comes from MyMidOhio

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