
The Fun Center Chordsmen's Faith, Love and Rock & Roll at The Renaissance
Date: Wednesday, March 15, 2017 @ 13:55:40 CDT
Topic: Arts and Culture

The Fun Center Chordsmen is a non-profit corporation founded in 1974 in Mansfield, Ohio. Their goal is to sing and perform at a high level of excellence and to enjoy four part a cappella barbershop harmony. Each year the Fun Center Chordsmen deliver Singing Valentines and produces an annual show performed at the Renaissance Theatre in downtown Mansfield. This year's show is called Faith, Love, and Rock & Roll!

Harmony In Motion at the Ren

Under the guidance of our Music Director, Trevor Garrabrant and Assistant Music Directors, Jim Frye and Dave Kracker, the Fun Center Chordsmen chorus is an active, enthusiastic and growing men's singing organization.

The chorus performs at many non-paid community events during the year such as the Memorial Day service, Christmas at Malabar Farm, the Rehab Telethon the Veterans Salute, churches, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities, The Fun Center Chordsmen participate fully in the Youth in Harmony Program which encourages music education in the lives of young men and women, normally of high school age, giving exposure to the barbershop art form. We offer scholarship assistance to local choral students who register for a four day Harmony Camp held annually.

Saturday, March 18, at 3:00pm.

General Admission Price: $15.00

Student Seats Price: $5.00

Purchase tickets HERE


This article comes from MyMidOhio

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