If you have recently purchased a kayak or want to learn more, this course is for you! This entry level course combines on shore and on water practice as an introduction to kayak equipment, paddling technique, and safety skills. Be prepared to get wet as you will be kayaking as part of the class!
Saturday, June 2nd
Meet at theWelcome Center 15 minutes prior to the start time.
Ages: 12 years & older
Equipment: includes boat & equipment or bring your own
Activity level: Easy/Moderate
Complete waiver required for all participants. See confirmation email for information. Maximum weight capacity is 375 lbs for a solo kayak and 500 lbs for a tandem kayak.
$35 per person includes instruction and kayaking equipment. Pre-registration is required by clicking the button below.

Pleasant Hill Lake Park
3431 St. Rt. 95, Perrysville
Photo Credit: Public Domain