Hosted by Mansfield Storm Water Management, Operation Save Our Streams is an annual effort to clean up our streams.
Join us for the annual stream clean up as we rid liter and debris from our streams protecting our environment and water quality.
Saturday, June 23rd
Litter and debris that is scattered along our streets by careless motorists, pedestrians and residents enter into our streams through storm drains.
Illegal dumpings, litter and debris contribute to numerous problems from potential flooding to affecting our water quality.
Volunteers are asked to wear water resistant boots and don't forget the bug spray. Gloves and bags are provided by the city of Mansfield Engineering Department.
All volunteers will be part of the 23rd Annual Earth Stewardship Celebration and will be entered into a drawing for prizes at our awards ceremony to be held on Friday, July 13th at 11:30am in Central Park in Downtown Mansfield during the July Brown Bag Concert.
Registration and sign up will begin at 8:45am or
Questions - email Kim Hildreth at:
North Lake Park
268 Rae Ave., Mansfield
Photo Credit: Facebook Event Page