
These Signs Are A Symbol Of Your Freedom
Date: Sunday, June 19, 2016 @ 18:35:32 CDT
Topic: Community Articles

MANSFIELD, OHIO: Boom Boom Boom! Fireworks!  While to the majority of us Fireworks are a symbol of freedom, the excitement of celebration, and the American way for some the wonderful sounds of celebration are sometimes also the sounds of nightmares.

Unfortunately to the people who brought you the very freedom your celebrating the sound of explosions can be a reminder of things they would rather forget. For them it can be a trigger to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) that can force them to uncontrollably feel and re live violent events from the past.

In the last few years these signs have been popping up in our neighborhood yards. We feel it is important to understand what they are asking of you - and what they are not.

Combat Vet LIves Here

First and foremost they are not asking you to give up your July 4th celebrations! They are not asking you to cancel your families back yard fireworks display. They ARE asking you to show restraint in the locations and times you choose to have fun.

PTSD is not a sign of weakness. Quite the opposite; it is a sign of strength and endurance of a strong mind. Strong minds retain memory of events doused with great emotion where as weak minds will block them. There is no greater emotion than the desire of your own survival.

Lets face it; our veterans are the reason why we are all running around and lighting off fireworks. So if you see a neighbor with this message then show some respect! Give a heads up that you will be lighting off fireworks. Invite them to join in and watch. Many with PTSD can watch fireworks and enjoy them. For them it's not a loud boom that causes trouble - it's the gunshot noise or explosion that goes off without warning or expectation. Walk over and be a neighbor! Ring the door bell and tell them that your family will be lighting off fireworks and when and then stick to that time frame.

While there may be no rhyme nor reason as to why and how our soldiers who suffer from PTSD react to the sound of loud explosions the simple fact is that many do. Showing a little respect to those who have publicly displayed that they need help with this issue is not going to dampen your celebration. It is your duty as a free soul in this country to help them and it is your debt to this world as a human being to show it compassion. Please do.

A special thank you to Veteran Ron J. Lambert Jr. for helping to inspire and write this article.

Photo Credit: Veteran Ron Lambert Jr. 

This article comes from MyMidOhio

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