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Posted by Admin on Friday, May 20, 2016 @ 22:27:07 UTC
Event_Editor writes

The North End farmers Market is kicking off its 2016 year.

Farmers Market Flyer

The market will be open on Tuesdays from 11:00 AM - 2:00PM at their new location 486 Springmill Street starting May 24th.



Posted by Admin on Sunday, April 10, 2016 @ 23:18:58 UTC
Dr_Kristie writes

Everybody knows that comfort foods usually raise cholesterol. But how about a comforting food that lowers cholesterol and is fat-free? The surprising fact is that bran is a comfort food and it lowers cholesterol, but you need to choose the right kind of bran to get the cholesterol lowering benefits.


Posted by Admin on Monday, October 05, 2015 @ 14:31:01 UTC
JE_Davidson writes

The arrival of a new baby is a blessed event, but the family dog may not see it that way.  There may be issues of territory and jealousy.  Some may advise keeping the dog and baby apart until the child is old enough to understand how to behave around dogs, but that is not really a practical solution when the dog is an established house pet.  You need to let your dog know that he is not being replaced in your affections and that this new baby is part of the family.



Posted by Admin on Sunday, September 27, 2015 @ 17:19:46 UTC
LaurenR writes

Losing Your Religion, Choosing Your Religion – the Search For Spiritual Enlightenment

Religion is often considered a part of a person’s identity. Religion may be profoundly associated with experiences from childhood and interwoven with social connections and family events. Despite these strong connections, many people may find themselves unsatisfied by the religion of their childhood and begin a search for more meaningful spiritual expression.

Stained Glass Jesus




Posted by Admin on Thursday, September 24, 2015 @ 20:25:57 UTC
Dr_Kristie writes

Supermarket shelves are piled high with cookies and crackers, most of them loaded with sugar, saturated fat, and hydrogenated oils. To the average person, a graham cracker sounds like a wholesome alternative to other sweet and crunchy, but decidedly "bad for you," cookie and cracker options. So, when a health-minded person reaches the cookie aisle and tosses a box of Graham crackers in their cart, they feel virtuous. After all, they left the chocolate chip cookies on the shelf. Are shoppers who buy Graham crackers making a smart choice? Are graham crackers healthy and a good alternative to the standard cookie?

Graham Crackers


Posted by admin on Tuesday, September 02, 2014 @ 09:00:00 UTC
Dr_Kristie writes

MANSFIELD, OHIO - Do you enjoy sipping a hot, steaming cup of jasmine green tea? When you sip tea made from the leaves of this herbal flowering plant, you're doing more than pleasing your taste buds. It seems the leaves from this flower have benefits that go beyond their pleasant aroma and sweet taste. What are the health benefits of jasmine tea?

Summer Jasmine Flower



Posted by admin on Friday, August 22, 2014 @ 10:00:00 UTC
LaurenR writes

LUCAS, OHIO - If you've ever tried to pack a slew of mementos in your luggage while on vacation, you know what a hassle it can be. To make matters worse, you review your receipts when you get home and realize just how much you spent on them. Forget all the hassle and heavy cost, and instead, bring home mementos that are not only budget-friendly, but will still be treasured years after you bring them home. The following are just four of the best to consider.


Guy by river


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