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Reference: 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About The 4th Of July

Posted on Friday, July 01, 2016 @ 00:34:40 UTC in Holidays
by Admin

PaulaA writes:  

Stump your family and friends this July 4th with some little known facts about the Holidays!

Declaration of Independence

Here are 10 facts you probably didn't know about July 4th.


 1. There are 30 places across the nation that have the word Liberty in their name. Four states in the US have Liberty counties - Florida, Texas, Georgia and Montana.

2. In Major League Baseball history, four men of importance were born on July 4th - New York Yankees' owner, George Steinbrenner; Hall of Famer, Mickey Welch; Former Major League pitcher, George Mullin; and Colorado Rockies', Vinny Castilla.
3. In 1777, one year after the Declaration of Independence was signed into existence, the first official July 4th celebration was held. It wasn't until 1941 that the day July 4th become a legal holiday.
4. One US President, Calvin Coolidge, was born on the Fourth of July. Three American Presidents passed away on this day - Adams, Jefferson and Monroe. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson both died within hours of each other on this same day in 1826.
5. Oddly enough, July 4th is also celebrated as the Independence from Meat Day. This observance was created by The Vegetarian Awareness Network in TN.
6. Back in 1777, fireworks were certainly not as we know them today. One of the first displays of fireworks were on this day when American patriots placed lit candles on their windowsills to show their love of country. If a windowsill was bare, it was certain that person was loyal to the English crown.
7. It is estimated that on a single July 4th holiday, 150 million hot dogs will be consumed by Americans.
8. There is a reason why the once popular children's firework, the Sparkler, is now deemed too unsafe for use by kids. The firework's temperature when burning is 1800 degrees Fahrenheit.
9. In 1804, Lewis and Clark celebrate the first July 4th west of the Mississippi. Where? Independence Creek.
10. In July 1776, there was an estimated 2.5 million people living in the colonies. In 2006, we are approaching 300 million people.
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