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Great Mohican Pow Wow is September 16th -18th

Posted on Tuesday, September 06, 2016 @ 20:36:12 UTC in Outdoor
by Admin

Event_Editor writes:  

LOUDONVILLE, OH:  Experience the Great Mohican Pow-Wow September 16  - 18 at the Mohican Reservation Campgrounds

Mohican Pow Wow

Pow-Wow time is the Native American people's way of meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships and making new ones.

This is a time to renew thought of the old ways and to preserve a rich heritage.

There are several different stories of how the Pow-Wow was started. Some believe that the war dance societies of the Ponca and other Southern Plains tribes were the origin of the Pow-Wow. Another belief is that when the Native Americans were forced onto reservations the government also forced them to have dances for the public to come and see. Before each dance they were led through the town in a parade, which is the beginning of the Grand Entry.


Featuring Native American Dance & Drum competitions, artisans, crafts, demonstrations and music.


MC - Ron Colombe
Host Drum: Wild Band
Flutist of the Year - Douglas Blue Feather
World-Champion Hoop Dancer & Drum Making Demos - Lowery Begay
Storyteller - Lance White Eagle
Tomahawk Throwing Demo by Coyote Dog
Fire Starting Demo - Coyote Dog
South American Indian Music of the Andes Mts. - by Malkuri
Native American Indian Foods
Over 40 Top Artisans, Craftsmen & Traders
Native American Indian Dance & Drum Competitions

See the event schedule here http://mohicanpowwow.com/events.php

Photo Credit: Facebook Events Page


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