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Keep Your Local Economy Moving by Shopping Locally

Posted on Sunday, July 06, 2014 @ 13:04:30 UTC in Business
by Admin

Jamesp writes:  

MANSFIELD, OH - Shopping locally means more than purchasing something off the shelf of your local chain store that is staffed by locals.  The best way to truly shop locally is to purchase locally produced products from a store owned by someone local that also employs local people. 


Downtown Mansfield
Downtown Mansfield | © James Pennington

Shopping locally boosts your surrounding economy.  By shopping locally, you will not only support the outlet you’re buying from, but in many cases, also lend support to many other local establishments.  That’s because many local businesses rely on other local businesses for needed supplies and services.  Local farmers that run a country store, for instance, may bring in produce from many surrounding farms to sell.  They may rely on a local packaging company for containers and a neighboring company for their agricultural supplies and equipment.  In many cases, farmers will hire local help.

You may have to scour your area to find authentic locally produced products, but some chain stores also participate in the “shop local” movement from time to time.  One local franchise of a well-known drugstore, for instance, displays seasonal chocolates and nuts that have been produced in a mom-and-pop candy-making facility in its city.  In another locale, a well-known department store sells gourmet cakes at a point-of-sale display in support of a local bakery.

Buying local, in most cases, ensures product freshness since shipping times are reduced.  The locally grown or made products may also be more trustworthy than outsourced products since the producers and sellers fall under jurisdictional food and safety regulations. 

Downtown Mansfield Photo
Downtown Mansfield | © James Pennington


Keep Your Economy Moving

While you know shopping locally is a good choice, making it happen may take a bit of forethought.  Below are a few suggestions to help you become a more regular participant in your community’s sustainability. 

 Keep the economic circle moving in your community with these tips:


  1. Shop at local specialty shops in your area that feature locally grown produce or hand-made items. 

  2. Shop at your local farmer’s market for produce, baking, arts, crafts and handmade furniture. 

  3. Shop at a local butcher shop.

  4. Consider fixing appliances, automobiles, technology, etc. before replacing by using the services of a local repair
  5. Instead of purchasing products and services online, visit a local store to help it to remain profitable and to keep locals employed. 
  6. Network with local entrepreneurs and exchange notes to see if they have a product or service that will help you do your work better.   
  7. Read product labels and choose those from nearby manufacturers or producers. 
  8. Ask your local franchised stores and supermarkets to carry local products, then buy them and tell your friends to buy them. 

Keep your local economy moving and thriving by choosing products from many of the amazing suppliers right around you before looking further.  Shopping locally helps with local sustainability by keeping jobs in your area and reducing pollution by reducing shipping needs.  When everyone does their part it creates a sense of community.  Buying locally can be one of the ways you can give back to your community.



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