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Mansfield Art Center Presents Gary Zuercher, The Glow of Paris

Posted on Monday, January 16, 2017 @ 23:55:04 UTC in Arts and Culture
by Admin

MelissaH0243 writes:  

Gary Zuercher, professional photographer and author of The Glow of Paris, The Bridges of Paris at Night, will be at the Mansfield Art Center this month! He will be there from 7:00 to 9:00 on the evening of January 21 for a book signing and Opening Reception of his The Glow of Paris Exhibition.


The book signing at the Opening Reception is the only appearance Zuercher will be able to make during the exhibition, so be sure to attend. He is planning to leave for Paris shortly after. If you would like a signed copy, but are unable to make the Opening Reception, you may purchase a book in advance and the Mansfield Art Center will be pleased to have it autographed for you!

The Glow of Paris Exhibition is a collection of 86 black and white photographs by Zuercher. These photographs, in the Ansel Adams Tradition, will be on display at the Mansfield Art Center from January 21 through February 27.

The Mansfield Art Center hours are Tuesday to Sunday 11:00am-5:00pm


Please refer to the Mansfield Art Center website for more information on this event:

Please refer to The Marcorp Website for more information regarding Gary Zuercher and his book, The Glow of Paris, The Bridges of Paris at Night. http://marcorp-editions.com/


The Glow of Paris - Book Trailer from Gary Zuercher on Vimeo.





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