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Drama Therapy for Veterans at The Renaissance Theatre

Posted on Tuesday, March 14, 2017 @ 15:54:18 UTC in Health and Lifestyles
by admin

MelissaH0243 writes:  

Veterans are invited to join us for a FREE weekly Drama Therapy group, particularly helpful for Veterans with PTSD.


This group will meet at the Renaissance Theatre Ballroom from 6:30-8:00 PM on Thursdays beginning March 16, 2017 and running through May 18, 2017. Spots are limited.

This group is facilitated by Lisa Peacock, MA, RDT, and PhD drama therapy student at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, UK. This program is part of a dissertation research project.
Questions? Contact lisa.peacock@pgr.anglia.ac.uk

Drama therapy is an approach to facilitating change using storytelling and improvisation to expand and add flexibility in life roles. This may enhance a person’s sense of belonging and quality of life.

Sense of belonging is a feeling of being valued, needed, and accepted, and that you fit into the environment in which you live. It uses action methods to facilitate insight, growth, creativity and imagination. (North American Drama Therapy Association, 2014; British Association of Dramatherapists, 2013)

About Lisa Peacock:

Lisa Peacock, MA, RDT is a post-graduate research student at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, England. She has worked with veterans since 2007 and also works with traumatized children and young adults. Peacock founded the Vet Art Project in Chicago in 2007. She regularly presents at regional, national, and international conferences on her work with veterans and the power of drama therapy to build a bridge between story-making and meaning-making. She is currently working on her dissertation, which explores drama therapy as a tool for transition for veterans in the US and the UK. She was a resident playwright at Chicago Dramatists for 10 years prior to moving to Ohio. She is a member of the North American Drama Therapy Association (and is a Registered Drama Therapist), and an International Member of the British Association of Dramatherapists.

Registration is required, spots are limited. Register HERE

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