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These Easter Eggs Can Be Found Year Round!

Posted on Saturday, April 15, 2017 @ 14:56:16 UTC in Community Articles
by admin

MelissaH0243 writes:  

Here in Northeast Ohio is a group of people dedicated to spreading Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) to bring a bit of cheer into the lives of the residents around them. This group is called Northeast Ohio Rocks. These RAOKs come in the form of hidden painted rocks. It may seem like a small insignificant thing but sometimes it's the small gestures that can make a big impact in someone's day.

Red, Yellow, Orange Multicolored painted rock

The purpose of this group is for people to paint rocks in whatever way speaks to them. A label of instruction is affixed to the back of the rock and then the rock is hidden in a public location for someone to find. Once someone finds this colorful treasure the label on the rock will instruct them to snap a picture to share on the Northeast Ohio Rocks Facebook group along with the hashtag given of the person who created the rock. It is in this way that the travels of the rock will be documented and the creator notified of the finding of their creation. The finder then chooses a new location in which to hide this treasure for the next person to find, continuing the spirit of the Random Act of Kindness.

Kid holding painted rock in front of Sams Club

The joy is easily spread, even to the creator. It's therapeutic and stress relieving to get out into nature to look for rocks to paint, as is the simple act of being creative. It also brings a good feeling knowing that what has been hidden will brighten someone's day when they find it and that this gesture will continue to be passed along to others.

Multicolored painted rock

If you'd like to take part in spreading Random Acts of Kindness by painting rocks to hide, please join the Northeast Ohio Rocks Facebook group

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