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Back To School – Preparing Your Children For The New School Year

Posted on Saturday, August 09, 2014 @ 12:04:27 UTC in Society
by Admin

J_Lang_Wood writes:  

The summer is a time for children to wind down and enjoy the warm, summer days outdoors. However, summer goes by quickly, and autumn brings a new school year, with renewed pressures to perform academically. Make sure your child has been prepared for the school atmosphere by reviewing last year’s skills and setting up the proper state of mind for learning new things with these simple tips.

Playing School Children

Step up the Reading

As the school year approaches, add on more reading material to your child’s daily activities to prepare them for academic studies. Try to make the reading matter something they would enjoy. Comic books, puzzle books or picture books on subjects in which they have an interest are good choices to get kids back into the reading groove. This measure can help jump-start your child’s reading ability for the new year.


Ask For Help With Some Math Problems

Get your child involved in some practical applications of math by asking him or her to do some simple problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. You can casually slip these into everyday activities such as shopping for groceries or packing for a picnic. If you’re busy with other things, ask them for “help” in doing these simple problems, which will help refresh their memories in preparation for upcoming math classes.


Visit A Museum or Library

There’s no better way to pique children’s curiosity than by going to a museum. Many communities around the United States have children’s museums that provide children with a hands-on experience of biology, engineering, chemistry, technology and other topics. Children’s museums often have special programs in music, art and other subjects. These visits can help to get your child’s mental gears turning in readiness for learning in the new school year. Your local library may also have children’s reading programs, music programs and other events that can encourage them to get into a learning frame of mind.


Watch Some Educational TV Shows

Cable and satellite TV offer interesting programs for children to help refresh memories on a number of subjects, such as science, astronomy, animal behavior, history, ecology and other topics. DVDs offer another method of providing educational programs for children to enable them to develop a more learning-based state of mind.


Use School Supplies As A Springboard To Academic Thinking

Buying new supplies for the school year always brings a thrill of newness and anticipation. Children look forward to seeing old school friends and favorite teachers. Avoid the temptation of picking up school supplies on your own time. Involve them in the selection and talk about how they will be using the supplies. These moments can be a way for you to bond with your children and can help you transmit how important their education is, to you and to them.


Talk About Hopes For the New School Year

Your child may be anxious about entering a new grade with new classmates and a different teacher. Allow your child to talk about these fears as you go about your normal activities. Let the child know that anticipation of new experiences is a common feeling and that familiarity will soon make their fears go away. If the child is worried about bullies or other frightening situations, listen carefully and bring the problem to the attention of school authorities.


Post School-Related Information in a Visible Place

Post supply lists and school schedules in a prominent place to get children accustomed to the “school” way of thinking. This action will provoke memories of the previous year and hopes for the new year. Many children will take an active interest in preparations for the new school year and “remind” you over and over. Those this can be annoying, it indicates they are now hooked into the academic year and will be ready to take on tasks with vigor.


Photo Credits: Public Domain

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