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Meet and Greet with Pro Skateboarder Doug Brown at Ocie Hill Community Center

Posted on Thursday, July 20, 2017 @ 13:18:30 UTC in Community Articles
by Event_Editor

MelissaH0243 writes:  

FREE EVENT!!!  Meet and Greet with Pro Athlete, Author and Speaker Doug Brown hosted by Richland Outreach Center!

Pro Athlete, Author & Speaker Doug Brown will be out to our facility to speak to our community on the topics listed below.  Dough will also be doing photos and autographs with the youth.  Food will be available to purchase along with Doug's books that he has published.

Saturday, July 22 at 2 PM - 4 PM

Ocie Hill Community Center Gymnasium
455 Bowman St., Mansfield, Ohio

Motivation - Drug & Alcohol Awareness - Bullying - Drinking & Driving - Literacy - Education Awareness - Setting Goals - Suicide Prevention - Depression - Leadership - Character Development - Skate and Bike Safety. Open to all ages.

Open to all ages. The presentation has been presented to grade school students, junior high students, high school students, colleges, youth groups, hospitals, sports teams, teen rehabs, churches, libraries, skateboard competitions, city events, conferences, and camps.

Doug Brown used to get detentions as a teenager for skateboarding in school. Now he's asked to skateboard and speak in schools. This professional athlete, author, and motivational speaker tugs at heart strings with advice for the struggling adolescent. Not far removed from those years, Brown relates his own life experiences with powerful words of wisdom.

Doug Brown dives deep into his own tender teen years to share his experience sprinkled with real life advice and tools to help teens make positive life choices and be encouraged. Brown uses his own life experience to relate to teens on their level and show them the outcomes they can have based on the choices they make today. Brown’s journey through adolescence led him to be the man he is today and he takes us down the road that started him on that path. Brown offers hope to teens to find their own road to travel that will guide them to their destination. Through many trials and adversity in his teen years, Brown shows how teens can persevere and follow their dreams to become the adult they want to be.

Brown teaches us that the choices we make, both as teens and adults, have a lasting impact on our own lives and importantly the lives of others. Brown encourages us to choose to travel the positive path to make an impact on the world.

Photo Credit: Facebook Event Page

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