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2017 TYger/Falcon Alumni Golf Outing

Posted on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 @ 14:01:10 UTC in Recreation
by Event_Editor

MelissaH0243 writes:  

Please join us in our fundraising efforts at the First Annual TYger Booster Club Golf Outing!  Still time to sign up! More teams are needed to help support the kids of Mansfield!


This tournament includes 18 holes of golf with a cart, with food at the turn and at the end of the tournament.  We will have door prizes for everyone and the cost for this "day of fun" is only $60 per golfer!  You must have four golfers per team!

1st place wins $300
2nd place wins $200
3rd place wins $100

There will also be prizes for longest drive, longest putt and closest to the pin.  There will be giveaway door prizes, 50/50 raffle and a lot of FUN! 

We look forward to you participating in this outing!!!

You will need a registration form to sign up for the outing. Please contact Stan Gilbert to obtain one if you would like to register to participate in this outing or if you have any questions regarding this outing you can reach Stan Gilbert at 419-632-0792.

All checks should be made payable to: TYger Booster Club

The outing will be held on Saturday, July 29th with a shot-gun start beginning at 9:00am. 

This outing which is sponsored by the TYger Booster Club will be taking place at Oak Tree Golf Club located at 1440 Old Oak Trail in Mansfield. 


Photo Credit: John Beasley



*Disregard the deadline date for signups on the photo as there is no deadline to sign up.

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