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The Art of Children's Books at the Mansfield Art Center

Posted on Saturday, August 12, 2017 @ 14:36:55 UTC in Arts and Culture
by Event_Editor

MelissaH0243 writes:  

This exhibition showcases four published artists whose work can be found in children’s books across the world.  Each artist skillfully presents their medium in an engaging and captivating way that speaks to both children and adults alike.  A wonderful show for the young and young at heart.

Featuring: Richard Cowdrey, David FitzSimmons, Denise Fleming, & Jay Hosler

Richard Cowdrey,  is well known for illustrating many beautiful children’s picture books, including the New York Times #1 bestseller Bad Dog, Marley!


David FitzSimmons, is an award-winning free-lance photographer and writer. David’s most recent publications include Animals of Ohio’s Ponds and Vernal Pools, Curious Critters, and Curious Critter Volume Two, which have won nine national book awards and sold over 100,000 copies, as well as audio books for both Curious  Critters titles.


In the Tall, Tall Grass was the  first book in which Denise Fleming, used pulp painting as a medium.  “There is always an element of surprise in pulp painting, as I cannot completely control the blending of color and fiber. Each fiber retains its individual color–this and the layering of fiber create a feeling of depth in the finished painting.”  – Denise Fleming


Jay Hosler, writes and draws graphic novels that focus on natural history, evolution, and insects. Lots and lots of insects. His  goal is to use the compelling visual power of comics to illustrate the alien worlds that often go unnoticed and unappreciated.  Hosler is noted for using his storytelling as a means engaging the reader in scientific exploration & education, most notably in  his graphic novel, “The Last of the Sandwalkers.”



August 12th - September 10th
Cost: Free, Donations appreciated.

Opening Reception: Saturday, August 12 | 7-9pm

Mansfield Art Center
700 Marion Avenue
Mansfield, Ohio 44906

Tuesday - Sunday
11am - 5pm


Photo Credit: Staff Photo



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