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Urbacon at The Brickyard

Posted on Friday, October 13, 2017 @ 17:04:01 UTC in Arts and Culture
by Event_Editor

MelissaH0243 writes:  

Millennials Create and M.A.D. Studios are pleased to introduce to the community untapped artists, assets, and resources in a fresh, fun, and inspiring new way.

We are a community Organization dedicated to creating an atmosphere where young people can grow a love for themselves and their communities while raising awareness in fresh new ways.

This event is to create peace and unity with the people here in sunny Mansfield, while introducing contemporary art and raising Awareness on poverty locally and nationally.

Urbacon is not only an opportunity to meet new people, hear great modern music, see contemporary art, taste fantastic food, but also a great chance to make an impact in helping Mansfield move forward.

So please come out to Jam with us at the 1st Annual Urbacon!

For more info and updates and see who will be performing click HERE

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Tickets are $10 at the gate.
The day of the event, you can bring 3 cases of water....12, 24 or 32 Packs or instead of water bring a bag full of hygiene products we will donate to local shelters and national natural disaster relief efforts in Texas, Florida, & Puerto Rico for free admission.

To purchase tickets click HERE
Make Check Payable to: NECIC Our 501(c)3 Fiscal Sponsor on behalf of Millennials Create.

NECIC, Millennials Create and M.A.D. STUDIOS, Inc. or their affiliates will not be held responsible for any liability, lost, stolen or damaged merchandise or any injury incurred during the event.

Contact us at Email: millennialscreateinc@gmail.com

The Brickyard in the Carrousel District
21 West Temple Court, Downtown Mansfield

Photo Credit: Facebook Event Page

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