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Auditions for Hunchback of Notre Dame the Musical at the Renaissance Theatre

Posted on Friday, December 01, 2017 @ 17:39:05 UTC in Arts and Culture
by Event_Editor

MelissaH0243 writes:  

Auditions for Hunchback of Notre Dame the Musical are taking place at the Renaissance Theatre.

Music by Alan Menken, Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz, book by Peter Parnell
Directed by Michael Thomas, Musical Direction by Kelly Knowlton

Auditions on Saturday, December 2nd 10am-3pm, onstage/ballroom

Auditions are open to performers age 16 and up. Please prepare 32 bars of a musical theatre song. It can be from the show. You may be asked to do a cold reading from the script. Audition appointments are required. Rehearsals begin January 31st. Performances are March 3, 4, 10 and 11, 2018.

For further information or to schedule an audition appointment, please contact Linda Chambers at 419-522-2726, ext 213, Linda@mansfieldtickets.com.

Renaissance Theatre
138 Park Ave W, Mansfield

Photo Credit: Facebook Event Page

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