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Kingwood Center Gardens presents Invasion of the Big Bugs

Posted on Thursday, May 17, 2018 @ 06:17:18 UTC in Home and Garden
by Event_Editor

MelissaH0243 writes:  

Kingwood is being "invaded" by some gargantuan bugs this summer!

Starting Saturday, May 19th, the art of David Rogers will fill the Kingwood Estate with awe-inspiring sculptures of insects made out of all natural materials.

There will be 10 sculptures in all: a Lady Bug, a Spider and Web, an Assassin Bug, three Ants, a Damselfly, a Dragonfly, a Praying Mantis, and a Daddy Long-Legs.

At the grand-opening on Saturday, May 19th from 10am-3pm, the first 200 children will get a free prize to take home.  The BUG ZOO from Ohio State University will also be exhibiting and educating with live bugs in the Carriage House.  Free treats for all!

On Saturday, August 4th, there will be a special BUG DAY from 11am-3pm.  Through the Richland County Foundation, Kingwood received a Summertime Kids Grant to bring this day to you!  Kids will get a passport and get stamped at every table they stop at to learn about our friends of the gardens!  There will be Insect Olympics, a Pestaraunt, Bug Races, Bug tattoos, three showings of the movie "A Bugs Life", and so much more!!!  Kids and their parents/guardians are FREE on this day.

No reservations are required for any of these events, or to come daily.

Kingwood Center Gardens
50 N. Trimble Rd., Mansfield

Photo Credit: Event Page

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