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Yoga with Alpacas at Alpaca Meadows

Posted on Friday, June 01, 2018 @ 01:34:02 UTC in Health and Lifestyles
by Event_Editor

MelissaH0243 writes:  

Combine the peacefulness one feels when spending time in the presence of ALPACAS, with the discipline of YOGA, widely practiced as an aid to better health, stress reduction, and greater relaxation. Put the proceeds of this fun event towards a good cause, and what do you have?  A Win-Win for Everyone!

Beth Hatheway, Fitness and Yoga Instructor at the Mansfield Area YMCA, is donating her time and expertise, Alpaca Meadows is providing the place. All proceeds will go to “Summer Reading Program-Superhero Training Academy”.

Saturday, June 2nd

This is the first time we have done this so it should be interesting. Alpacas are very curious, so I would imagine they will come close to see what's going on. They are also shy, so doubt that they'll want to share your mat, or invade your space.

Please remember to bring a mat, or beach towel, and a water bottle. Be sure to allow time to visit with the alpacas after class, and shop in our Farm Store (full of products made from alpaca fiber).

Limited Space for 25 People, Registration Required. Fee $20.00

To register, click HERE

In the event of rain, or soggy pasture, an email will be sent out Saturday morning by 8am and also posted on Alpaca Meadow's Facebook page.

Alpaca Meadows
1200 Rock Rd., Mansfield

Photo Credit: Facebook Event Page

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