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Zombie Roll with Slow Roll Mansfield

Posted on Saturday, October 27, 2018 @ 13:55:23 UTC in Outdoor
by Event_Editor

MelissaH0243 writes:  

It’s that time again! Get your best TWD face on, or your favorite Halloween garb,  and join us as we ride about the east side of Mansfield and make their neighbors fear for their brains!

Meet at Cycling Sports Center at 6:00pm, we roll out at 6:30 pm.

Tuesday, October 30th

Pro Tips
Make sure masks don’t impair being able to see.
Please still wear a helmet. Just make it an integral part of your outfit!
Lights will be a must as the sun will go down before our ride ends.
Anyone carrying a pumpkin with a battery powered light gets extra kudos.

Cycling Sports Center
779 Laver Rd., Mansfield

Slow Roll Mansfield is about: Building Community through Cycling. The ride is in the evening through the city amongst friends and fellow community members, rides are slow and fun. Everyone is invited to join them every Second and Fourth Monday of each month May-October. Rides will be around 3-6 miles. The routes will change during the Slow Roll Season.

Please Stop at Red lights, Stay in one lane. We regroup a lot. Cruiser pace.
Music and lights are a big part of the experience. We will have some themes!
We are inspired by the Akron Bike Party and all the Bike Parties and Slow Rolls around the world. Ride on!

Photo Credit: Facebook Event Page

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