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2 Zebra Finches & All Supplies
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    Date Posted
    Thu December 28, 2017
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    On Hold ($80.00)
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  • Description:
    Two Beautiful, Healthy and SMART Zebra Finches (Taeniopygia guttata). They are 2 years old (Born October 2015). They are brother and sister. (Their parents had so many young-un's that we need to pass some on. Lol! But we will have no future babies from the parents.) 1 Male - Vibrant Standard Colors and Markings - Named "Fuzz" (But, I don't think he knows it... Lol!) 1 Female - Tawny/Fawn Colored - Named "Cinnabon" (But, I don't think she knows it either! Lol!) The female lays eggs, but it seems (so far) that the eggs are not viable. (Removing the nest stops her from laying eggs.) If this pair does have babies, the babies will be fine. Inbreeding among these birds has no detrimental effects on the young among the first Generation. But, their babies should not in-breed. They are stress-relieving, have very neat sounds and songs and are very funny to watch. And they are SMART! They alert you to people knocking on the door, they greet you with chirps when you come in the front door, and when you first enter the room in the morning. And, they know when you're going to sneeze even before you do! Lol! They chirp at you when you get the "pre-sneeze face" or if you grab a tissue! They are very watchful and very hilarious! Included: 2 Birds 2 Perfect Condition Cages Perches Toys 6 Months of Food (It only costs about $10 per year to feed them.) Vitamin Drops Nest You will have everything you need!
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