Bring the kids to the Richland Carousel Park for a visit and photos with the Easter Bunny!

Saturday & Sunday, April 1st & 2nd, 8th & 9th
Easter Bunny arrives at 1:00 pm and stays until 4:00 pm.
Have your photo taken with him for only $5
When the Easter Bunny Rides, everyone rides FREE!
Friday, April 7th
Carrousel opens at 11 am but First Friday Family Fun is 4 - 8 pm
The Easter Bunny will be here. Photos with Easter Bunny $5, Your camera or our camera. We will print it while you take a spin on Carrousel. When Easter Bunny rides, FREE ride for everyone.
Carrousel Diner will be open serving Mac & Cheese $2, Hot Dogs $1.50
Chips, Pop & Popcorn $ each
Assorted Candies are .30 - $1.
Saturday, April 15th
Easter Egg Hunt will start at 11:00 am . . . SHARP
It will last about 3 - 5 minutes. So DON'T BE LATE!
Have your photo with him for only $5
When the Easter Bunny Rides, everyone rides FREE
Carrousel Grill will be serving Brats $2.50 and Hot Dogs $1.50
Chips, Pop, Popcorn $1 each
Cotton Candy $2 each Old-Fashioned Soda $2.50
Shop. Ride. Giggle.
Photo Credit: Public Domain