Posted by Admin on Saturday, August 09, 2014 @ 12:04:27 UTC J_Lang_Wood writes The summer is a time for children to wind down and enjoy the warm, summer days outdoors. However, summer goes by quickly, and autumn brings a new school year, with renewed pressures to perform academically. Make sure your child has been prepared for the school atmosphere by reviewing last year’s skills and setting up the proper state of mind for learning new things with these simple tips.
Topic: Society |
Posted by Admin on Wednesday, August 06, 2014 @ 16:05:33 UTC J_Lang_Wood writes MANSFIELD,OH: Many people keep a bike stored in their garage or basement and jump on it when the spirit moves them. It’s only when problems arise and the bike is clearly not functioning that they seek the help of a skilled bike mechanic. You can avoid minor problems by performing a few periodic maintenance tasks that will help to keep your bike ready whenever you are. Topic: Outdoor |
Posted by Admin on Monday, August 04, 2014 @ 12:00:29 UTC Jamesp writes MANSFIELD, OH: Almost every city in Mid-Ohio has their own local farmers' market. A farmers' market is typically an outdoor gathering held periodically where local farmers can sell their freshest produce to the general population.
At some farmers markets vendors also sell fresh home made food products. The local bakery may set up and sell their freshly baked breads. Dairy farmers may set up a booth and sell their freshly made dairy products such as butters and cheeses. Yet still, at some farmers markets you can even find locally made crafts like soaps and jewelry. There are many reasons to shop at your local farmers' market, here are a few of them: Read More...Topic: Home and Garden |
Posted by Admin on Wednesday, July 23, 2014 @ 13:13:48 UTC IBERIA, OHIO: Announcing our current Featured Facebook Page: Jayme Sue's Cakes! Read More... Topic: MyMidOhio News |
Posted by Admin on Tuesday, July 22, 2014 @ 15:54:56 UTC PaulaA writes ASHLAND, OHIO: Retailers are concerned with how to balance customer service with the financial impact of returned merchandise. Time Magazine reports that $.09 out of every retail dollar spent is returned. This figure is an average; rates of return vary by industry. While retailers can exert their legal rights, doing so may result in further losses due to disappointed customers.
Read More... Topic: Business |
Posted by Admin on Friday, July 18, 2014 @ 14:35:41 UTC J_Lang_Wood writes LUCAS, OHIO: When recessions drag on, the only way most families can keep up with the financial pressure is to cut household and personal expenses. Many expenses sneak into the budget bit-by-bit, adding up to a sizeable amount. If you examine your expenses closely, you can find a number of ways to cut costs without feeling the pain. Topic: Society |
Posted by Admin on Tuesday, July 15, 2014 @ 11:23:21 UTC PaulaA writes ASHLAND, OHIO: If you are a local history fan, collecting local art is a must. However, finding original artwork by local artists that you like might take some research and legwork on your part. Read More... Topic: Arts and Culture |