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Posted by Event_Editor on Monday, June 05, 2017 @ 13:13:17 UTC
MelissaH0243 writes

Join us Friday, June 9th for an evening ghost walk through the dark halls and corridors of the historic Ohio State Reformatory.

light capture in the west cell block


Topic: Recreation
Posted by Event_Editor on Friday, June 02, 2017 @ 20:56:23 UTC
MelissaH0243 writes

Saturday, June 3rd the Ohio State Reformatory offers Ghost Hunts®;  serious yet informal attempts to document paranormal activity at the castle-like, former prison. Ghost Hunts provide an unusual, first-hand experience to search other realms. Ghost Hunts at OSR are the first of their kind in the United States.

light capture in the west cell block


Topic: Recreation
Posted by Event_Editor on Friday, May 26, 2017 @ 04:18:04 UTC
MelissaH0243 writes

The All Star Circuit of Champions will take to Mansfield Motor Speedway for the first time since 1988 during the Memorial Classic on Sunday, May 28th!


Postponed due to inclement weather. Please stay tuned for information regarding a potential make up date.

Topic: Recreation
Posted by Event_Editor on Thursday, May 25, 2017 @ 17:42:12 UTC
MelissaH0243 writes

Dropt-N-Destroyed 14 is back at The Ohio State Reformatory once again. 



Topic: Recreation
Posted by Event_Editor on Friday, May 19, 2017 @ 15:12:48 UTC
MelissaH0243 writes

Saturday, May 20th the Ohio State Reformatory offers Ghost Hunts®;  serious yet informal attempts to document paranormal activity at the castle-like, former prison. Ghost Hunts provide an unusual, first-hand experience to search other realms. Ghost Hunts at OSR are the first of their kind in the United States.

light capture in the west cell block



Topic: Recreation
Posted by admin on Tuesday, May 02, 2017 @ 12:58:35 UTC
MelissaH0243 writes

Saturday, May 6th the Ohio State Reformatory offers Ghost Hunts®;  serious yet informal attempts to document paranormal activity at the castle-like, former prison. Ghost Hunts provide an unusual, first-hand experience to search other realms. Ghost Hunts at OSR are the first of their kind in the United States.

light capture in the west cell block


Topic: Recreation
Posted by admin on Thursday, April 20, 2017 @ 01:53:22 UTC
MelissaH0243 writes

Join us Friday, April 21st for an evening ghost walk through the dark halls and corridors of the historic Ohio State Reformatory.

light capture in the west cell block


Topic: Recreation

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