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Posted by Admin on Monday, September 12, 2016 @ 07:10:00 UTC
Event_Editor writes

 Bellville, OH: The annual "Worlds Biggest Fair" will take place in downtown Bellville starting Wednesday September 14th from 1PM - 11PM. 

 Street Fair

Going on 166 years the Bellville Street fair offers four days of family fun to the surrounding community.  Exhibits, shows, ride, free entertainment, vendors, and much more!    Following is their schedule of events: 


Topic: Recreation
Posted by Admin on Monday, August 29, 2016 @ 00:23:30 UTC
Event_Editor writes

On Saturday, Sep. 10, 2016, from 9am-5pm, the Humane Society of Richland County will host their largest fundraiser of the year - the 14th Annual Strutt Your Mutt Canine Festival. This family and pet friendly festival is action-packed, full of activities for you and your dog, and is held at Marshall Park in Ontario, OH.

hybrid puppy

The event will feature a 5K & Dog Run/Walk, Dog Shows and Contests, a Raffle, and more!


Topic: Recreation
Posted by Admin on Saturday, August 27, 2016 @ 23:09:52 UTC
Event_Editor writes

The Batmobile was spotted at the Downtown Mansfield Cruise In. 


Throughout the day thousands of people ventured out into the 85 degree heat take in the views at the Downtown Mansfield Cruise-in.  With local food vendors stocking the food court and classic cars showing off their chrome on a sunny day the event could be considered a huge success.


Topic: Recreation
Posted by Admin on Sunday, August 21, 2016 @ 19:22:46 UTC
Event_Editor writes

  Saturday August 27th from 8PM to Midnight dare to explore the "normal to the paranormal" murders, cemeteries, haunted houses, hot dogs & S'mores and stories around the campfire.

July Night Haunt


Topic: Recreation
Posted by Admin on Saturday, August 20, 2016 @ 00:49:38 UTC
Event_Editor writes

Saturday, August 27th, 4-9pm at North Lake Park in Mansfield, Ohio will bring the first Taste of Mansfield featuring local food vendors, live music, local artists, beer and wine garden, and children's activities.

North Lake Park Wide Angle view from corner

Bring your blankets and lawn chairs to hang out with family and friends while you enjoy live entertainment. Admission $5.00 for adults, free for children. 


Topic: Recreation
Posted by admin on Thursday, July 14, 2016 @ 12:30:50 UTC
afmlocal159 writes

This Friday July 15th,  the great "Musical Ambassador of Mansfield", Percy Hall will bring his Orchestra to perform at Mansfield South Park. The concert begins at 7PM with food vending after 5:00. This week we will be enjoying LA Dogz.

South Park, Mansfield, Ohio
South Park - Mansfield, Ohio


Topic: Recreation
Posted by admin on Thursday, July 07, 2016 @ 19:34:13 UTC
Event_Editor writes

 Hale's Harley Davidson is having their annual Bike Show on Friday July 15th from 6pm - 9pm.

Harley Davidson Motorcycle

There are 33 trophies to hand out; including Peoples Choice, Best of Show, and Dealers Choice.


Topic: Recreation

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