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Ashland County Fair starts September 18th

Posted on Monday, September 05, 2016 @ 19:16:31 UTC in Science and Technology
by Admin

Event_Editor writes:  

The 2016 Ashland County Fair begins September 18th with a week long list of activities that include: Alpacas in the Alpaca Tent,  Laser Tag, Pony Rides, Trains on Display by the Ashland Train Club starting Tuesday and Mechanical Bull Riding!  Don't miss out on the fun!

Ashland County Fair Flier

The following is the schedule of events: 

Sunday, September 18
- Opening Day

Wood Carver         3 times Daily       Buckeye Triangle
Sue Wee Flying Pig Races 5 times Daily Near Buckeye Triangle
Opening Ceremonies Noon Entertainment Pavilion
Jr. Fair King and Queen  12:30 Entertainment Pavilion
Parade of Bands  2:00 Grandstand
Kiddie Tractor Pull  4:00 Entertainment Pavilion
K-  9 Demo  4:00 Coliseum
Ash-Fair Raceway Tribute 4:15Grandstand
Skillet Throw 5:00 Coliseum
Pure Country Dancers  6:00 Entertainment Pavilion
OSTPA Pull 6:30 Grandstand

Mkt Steer Showmanship 9:00 Coliseum
Open Class Rabbit 9:00 Swine Pavilion
Draft Horse Stable-In Fun Show 12:30 Coliseum
Jr Fair Mkt Rabbit  5:00 Rabbit Barn
4H Dog Demo  5:30  Coliseum
Market Steer Show 7:00 Coliseum

Monday, September 19  - Veterans’ Day
Free Meal for Vets from 12 – 6   Veterans’ Building

Wood Carver          3 times Daily     Buckeye Triangle
Sue Wee Flying Pig Races 5 times Daily     Near Buckeye Triangle
Walk of Honor    10:30 Veterans’ Building
Veterans’ Service  11:00 Entertainment Pavilion
Harness Racing       Noon & 6:00      Grandstand
ACF Idol Round One 7:00 Entertainment Pavilion

Jr Fair Breeding Sheep  8:30 Open Class Sheep Barn
Jr Fair Rabbit Show 9:00 Rabbit Barn
Dairy Judging  9:00  Coliseum
Poultry Show  10:00  Poultry Bldg
Jr Fair Market Lamb  11:00 Swine Pavilion
Dairy Benefit Auction 12:30 Coliseum
Jr Fair Saddle Horse  3:00 Coliseum
Jr Fair Goat Costume   5:00 Goat Barn
Jr Fair Rabbit Costume 6:00 Rabbit Barn

Tuesday, September 20 - Senior Citizens Day
Wood Carver          3 times Daily Buckeye Triangle
Hot Dog Pig Races 5 times Daily Near Buckeye Triangle
Kroc Center Band  Noon Entertainment Pavilion
Sr King/Queen Contest  2:00 Entertainment Pavilion
Human Tractor Pull    6:00 Draft Horse Barn
Larry Gatlin & Gatlin Bros 7:30 Grandstand

Dr Horse/Pony Halter 8:00 Coliseum
Jr Fair Mkt Hog Show 9:00 Swine Pavilion
Dr Horse/Pony Hitch  Noon Coliseum
Jr Fair Baby Beef Show 6:00  Coliseum

Wednesday September 21 Ladies’ Day Programs
“Your Own Special Day”  10 – 3 Mozelle Hall & Entertainment Pavilion

Wood Carver          3 times Daily Buckeye Triangle
Sue Wee Flying Pig Races 5 times Daily Near Buckeye Triangle
Cornhole Tournament 6:00 Byers Building
Lawnmower Derby &Truck Pull 6:00 Grandstand
ACF Idol Finals 7:00Entertainment Pavilion
Jr Fair Saddle Horse  9:00  Coliseum
Jr Fair Angora Goat 9:00 Swine Pavilion
Jr Fair Dairy/Market & Meat Goat Show 9:00 Swine Pavilion
Jr Fair Poultry Show 9:00  Poultry Barn
Sheep Judging 9:30  Sheep Barn

Thursday, September 22
Wood Carver          3 times Daily Buckeye Triangle
Sue Wee Flying Pig Races 5 times Daily Near Buckeye Triangle  
Diaper Derby Crawling 10:00     Entertainment Pavilion
Arts & Craft Show 1:00 to 8:00     Buckeye Barn
Toddlers Foot Race 1:30                Entertainment Pavilion
Motocross 6:00                Grandstand
Cornhole Tournament 6:00 Byers Building
Big Blue Band 7:00 Entertainment Pavilion

Jr Fair Dairy Show 9:00 Coliseum
Jr Fair Breeding Beef 9:00 Coliseum
Jr Fair Beef & Dairy Feeder Steer 9:00 Coliseum
Jr Fair Pygmy Goat 9:00 Swine Pavilion
Beef Cattle Show 12:30 Coliseum
4-H Fun Horse Show 5:00 Paddock
Little Int’l Showmanship 8:00 Coliseum

Market Rabbits 4:00 Coliseum
Market Turkeys  4:30  Coliseum
Market Broilers 5:00 Coliseum
Dairy & Meat Mkt Goats 5:30 Coliseum
Market Steers 6:30 Coliseum

Friday, September 23 - Youth Day

Wood Carver          3 times Daily Buckeye Triangle
Sue Wee Flying Pig Races 5 times Daily Near Buckeye Triangle
Herd Dog Show  11:00 Coliseum
COSI Noon to 6         Veterans’ Building
Herd Dog Show 12:30 Coliseum
Arts & Craft Show 1:00 to 8:00     Buckeye Barn
Small Fry Car Race  (2 to 4 Yrs) 1:30      Entertainment Pavilion
Stock Tractor Pull 5:00 Grandstand
Draft Pony Pull 7:00 Coliseum
The County Line Band          7:00 Entertainment Pavilion

Swine Sale 8:30 Swine Pavilion
Sheep Sale11:00 Swine Pavilion
Baby Beef 3:00 Coliseum

Saturday September 24  -
 Demolition Derby Day
Wood Carver        3 times Daily Buckeye Triangle
Sue Wee Flying Pig Races 5 times Daily Near Buckeye Triangle
Arts & Craft Show 1:00 to 8:00     Buckeye Barn
Woodcarving Auction 2:00  Buckeye Triangle
Open Draft Horse & Pony Hitch    11:00 Grandstand
Fiddler’s Contest 1:00 Entertainment Pavilion
4-H Baking Judging 2:00  Midway Tent
4-H Baking Auction 4:00 Midway Tent
Demolition Derby 6:00 Grandstand
KRUSH7:00Entertainment Pavilion
Open Class Goat 9:00 Swine Pavilion


Visit their website: http://www.ashlandcountyfair.com/


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