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The Night Sky; At the Gorman Nature Center

Posted on Monday, October 31, 2016 @ 14:30:42 UTC in Science and Technology
by Admin

Event_Editor writes:  

MANSFIELD, OH:  Come to the Gorman Nature Center November 4th at 7:30PM  and learn some things about the moon and stars, explore the constellations and planets, and take home a free star chart while having all of your astronomical questions answered.

Night Sky Telescope

Participants should be able to see some really awesome constellations, gaze some planets, (like Jupiter, Saturn and Venus) and maybe even a few galaxies!  Telescopes and binoculars will be available for use, but please feel free to bring your own.

Program will be held ONLY if the sky is clear.   Please inquire about our astronomy email list as another attempt may be made a different evening if the weather does not cooperate. Call 419-884-3764 for details!


Photo credit:  James Woolley 

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