- 2018 Ashland Ohio Balloonfest at Freer Field
- Ice Cream Roll with Slow Roll Mansfield
- Viewing the Night Sky at Lowe-Volk Park
- Viewing the Night Sky at Lowe-Volk Park
- Springtime Foraging at Kingwood Center Gardens
- Richland Public Health Presents Bike to Work Week
- Pollinators for Beginners with Richland Soil and Water Conservation District
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Mohican State Park
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Wolf Creek Grist Mill
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Pleasant Hill Lake Park
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Mohican Lodge and Resort
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at the Ohio Bird Sanctuary
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Mohican Outdoor School
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Gorman Nature Center
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Malabar Farm State Park
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Charles Mill Lake Park
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Byers Woods
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend at the Shelby Wetlands
- 17th Annual Mohican Wildlife Weekend Kickoff at Landoll\'s Mohican Castle
- Annual Maple Syrup Festival at Malabar Farm State Park
- Rock, Punk, and Funk with Slow Roll Mansfield
- Fall Farm Days at Alpaca Meadows
- Learn to Kayak at Pleasant Hill Lake Park
- Wild West Fest and Log Rolling at Pleasant Hill Lake Park
- 2017 TYger/Falcon Alumni Golf Outing
- Mermaid Fantasy Day at Pleasant Hill Lake Park
- Mohican Bigfoot Night Hike
- Christmas in July, Fireworks and Music at Pleasant Hill Lake Park
- Johns Park Community Service Day hosted by NECIC
- Mowana 5K Run Through the Pines at Camp Mowana
- Great Mohican Pow-Wow presented by Mohican Reservation and Campgrounds
- Great Mohican Pow-Wow presented by Mohican Reservation and Campgrounds
- Freedom Fest 2017 at Mansfield Motor Speedway
- Free Kayaking and Canoeing Day and Live Music at Pleasant Hill Lake Park
- 2017 Ashland Ohio Balloonfest at Freer Field
- Kingwood\'s First Annual Wine Walk and Chef\'s Tasting
- 2017 NCO All Star Football Game at Arlin Field
- The 8th Annual Kingwood 5K Run/Walk
- Reinvent Johns Park Hosted by Millenials Create
- Mankind Murals SummertimeKids with Mansfield Murals Inc
- Volunteer and Grill at the Bike Trail Mural with Mansfield Murals Inc
- Volunteer and Grill at the Bike Trail Mural with Mansfield Murals Inc
- Volunteer and Grill at the Bike Trail Mural with Mansfield Murals Inc
- Volunteer and Grill at the Bike Trail Mural with Mansfield Murals Inc
- Memorial Day Fireworks at Charles Mill Lake Park
- Kayaking and Canoeing Days and Beats at the Beach at Pleasant Hill Lake Park
- 21st Annual Operation Clean Sweep
- Clear Fork Adventure Resort Morel Festival
- Mohican Wildlife Weekend at Malabar Farm
- Free Youth Turkey Hunting Clinic at Pleasant Hill Lake Park