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Oasis Lawn Care

Posted by Admin on Monday, September 19, 2016 @ 14:39:43 UTC
Event_Editor writes

Hatha + Harmony.  OhioHealth, the Renaissance Performing Arts, and Kingwood Center proudly present a free yoga class accompanied by a string quartet of the Mansfield Symphony Orchestra on Sat, October 1, 2016 from 10:30 AM – 11:30 AM.

Hatha + Harmony

The hatha yoga class with instructor Claudia Cummins will last 45 minutes. Registration is required, spots are limited. 



Posted by Admin on Monday, September 19, 2016 @ 14:06:21 UTC
Event_Editor writes


The Mummies are coming Friday September 30th at the Renaissance Theatre.  

Here Come the Mummies is an eight-piece funk-rock band of 5000 year-old Egyptian Mummies with a one-track mind. Their "Terrifying Funk from Beyond the Grave" is sure to get you into them (and possibly vice versa).

Here Come The Mummies


Topic: Recreation
Posted by Admin on Monday, September 19, 2016 @ 13:58:32 UTC
Event_Editor writes

The Warren Rupp Observatory joins the Night Sky Network and offers a Hidden Hollow Star Party from Thursday, 9/29/2016 - Sunday, 10/2/2016

Andromeda Galaxy 

Families are always welcome and there is never a charge. Public nights are always on the first Saturday of every month and you may check our website for additional programs offered during the month.


Posted by Admin on Monday, September 12, 2016 @ 14:57:35 UTC
Event_Editor writes

Starting September 19th the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) National Championship Runoffs return to Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course for the first time since 2005.

Sports race car

The largest Runoffs on record came at Mid-Ohio in 2004, when 709 cars competed in the event. The Runoffs has crowned Club Racing National Champions in a winner-take-all, single race format since 1964.


Topic: Recreation
Posted by Admin on Monday, September 12, 2016 @ 12:27:13 UTC
Event_Editor writes

MANSFIELD, OH: As part of the Ohio History Connection Ohio Open Doors Tour a one mile preservation walk will be held at the Oak Hill Cottage on September 17th, 2016.

Oak Hill Cottage Carriage House

The walk will begin at the Oak Hill Cottage Carriage House at 2:30 featuring the historic preservation involvement of the Richland County Historical Society at the Cottage and surrounding neighborhood. 


Topic: Outdoor
Posted by Admin on Monday, September 12, 2016 @ 07:10:00 UTC
Event_Editor writes

 Bellville, OH: The annual "Worlds Biggest Fair" will take place in downtown Bellville starting Wednesday September 14th from 1PM - 11PM. 

 Street Fair

Going on 166 years the Bellville Street fair offers four days of family fun to the surrounding community.  Exhibits, shows, ride, free entertainment, vendors, and much more!    Following is their schedule of events: 


Topic: Recreation
Posted by Admin on Friday, September 09, 2016 @ 15:53:26 UTC
Event_Editor writes

The village of Crestline, Ohio will host its 43rd annual Crestline Harvest Festival at Seltzer Park in starting Friday, September 16th.

Pumpkin Patch

With a family festival atmosphere and things to do for the kids the stage will feature live local talent from across the area.  


Topic: Outdoor

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