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StarStuff.Rocks - Rock and Mineral Shop

Posted by Admin on Wednesday, August 24, 2016 @ 21:29:15 UTC
Event_Editor writes

Join the Buckeye Chapter of the Gold Prospectors Association of America for their 20th Annual Gold Rush Days.

Ohio Gold Rush Days Flier

Labor Day Weekend (September 3&4) along the Clearfork River near Bellville, Ohio. 


Posted by Admin on Sunday, August 21, 2016 @ 00:00:00 UTC
Event_Editor writes

This week starting Wednesday, August 24 through Friday, September 9, 2016 the Pearl Conard Art Gallery of the Ohio State University Mansfield Campus will present the exhibition: Surface Tension: Three Landscapes of Division.

Surface Tension: Three Landscapes of Division Terri Warpinski
Photo Credit: Terri Warpinski 

Artist Talk & Reception: Wednesday, August 24 from 12:35 – 1:30 pm


Posted by Admin on Sunday, August 21, 2016 @ 09:10:00 UTC
"If you visit the blockhouse in Mansfield today you'll be in a quiet park where you can feel safe. But if you had been there when it was originally built: the feeling would be danger, and panic; because Mansfield was just a clearing in the wilderness then.

Photo: The Blockhouse in 2016 "Ohio's only authentic wooden relic from 1812"

And although the map showed lines of civilization coming in 1812 the whole state was a vast forest and of all the settlements Mansfield stood alone on the edge to face the war of 1812.

Blockhouse Kids


Topic: History
Posted by Admin on Friday, August 19, 2016 @ 01:35:38 UTC

Mansfield, Ohio: The ancient mystics used to say that if you gaze into a body of water you can see the future ... or the past.  So lets look into the waters of North Lake Park, once known as Luna Park, to see what it can reflect to us of its past ... because driving by you might not notice that it is a place with a very long history.

 North Lake Park Entrance - present

And that tourists who came through here a hundred years ago saw some of the spots that are still here today.  

North Lake Park - Past



Topic: History
Posted by Admin on Monday, August 08, 2016 @ 14:35:01 UTC
Jamesp writes

Trail trees, trail marker trees, or Crooked Trees are hardwood trees throughout North America that Native Americans intentionally shaped with distinctive characteristics that convey that the tree was shaped by human activity rather than deformed by nature or disease.


Malabar Farm Trail Tree

These distinctively shaped trees have been photographed and documented in the Great Lakes Region by scientists and historians since the early 1800s.


Posted by Admin on Monday, August 08, 2016 @ 14:12:46 UTC
Event_Editor writes

August 18th-21st will be the Lexington Blueberry Festival at Lexington Community Park featuring Fireworks on Saturday Night


Come enjoy the festival with live music, glow run, blueberry bash, big wheel race, live animals, car and bike show, food and craft vendors and generally something to do for the entire family.


Topic: Outdoor
Posted by admin on Monday, August 01, 2016 @ 15:32:07 UTC
Event_Editor writes

The 2016 Richland County Fair starts August 6th.

Richland County Fairgrounds

Fair Admission is $5.00.  48" and under get in FREE!  Grab grandma and bring the kids for some old fashioned family fun!  The following is the schedule of events and ride prices;  See you there!



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