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Posted by Admin on Monday, August 08, 2016 @ 14:35:01 UTC
Jamesp writes

Trail trees, trail marker trees, or Crooked Trees are hardwood trees throughout North America that Native Americans intentionally shaped with distinctive characteristics that convey that the tree was shaped by human activity rather than deformed by nature or disease.


Malabar Farm Trail Tree

These distinctively shaped trees have been photographed and documented in the Great Lakes Region by scientists and historians since the early 1800s.


Posted by admin on Tuesday, July 12, 2016 @ 14:18:28 UTC
Event_Editor writes

All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church at 25 Church Street in  Bellville, Ohio is offering a public screening of Dream On with John Fugelsang.

All Souls Public Screening

Join us for a public gathering of this timely documentary.


Posted by Admin on Thursday, July 07, 2016 @ 12:05:29 UTC
afmlocal159 writes

The Mansfield Music in the Park Concert Series continues this week at South Park with Stardust.

Park Pavillion

Food vendors are open after 5PM with the addition of Altered Eats this week. The music begins at 7PM.


Posted by Admin on Wednesday, June 22, 2016 @ 16:34:53 UTC
PaulaA writes

Getting your children into the habit of writing now can save them much of stress later down the road. If you get them to love writing now, or just to tolerate it, then high school or college essays will not be another headache to them.


There are some simple ways and activities that will slowly build your child into a good writer. You never know, you may discover your child is an everyday Poe or Austen.


Posted by Admin on Sunday, June 19, 2016 @ 17:35:32 UTC
JamesP writes

MANSFIELD, OHIO: Boom Boom Boom! Fireworks!  While to the majority of us Fireworks are a symbol of freedom, the excitement of celebration, and the American way for some the wonderful sounds of celebration are sometimes also the sounds of nightmares.

Unfortunately to the people who brought you the very freedom your celebrating the sound of explosions can be a reminder of things they would rather forget. For them it can be a trigger to PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) that can force them to uncontrollably feel and re live violent events from the past.

In the last few years these signs have been popping up in our neighborhood yards. We feel it is important to understand what they are asking of you - and what they are not.

Posted by Admin on Monday, June 13, 2016 @ 19:44:40 UTC
JoshA writes

Berean Kids is hosting summer Mega Sports Camp at Mansfield Christian School from July 11th -July 15th.  Children will be involved in a variety of sports activities like soccer, basketball, football, cheer leading and baseball. Camp is open to children who have completed 1st - 5th grades.

Registration is $15 per student ($50 max per family).  If you need help paying the registration fee scholarships are available. 


Posted by Admin on Friday, June 10, 2016 @ 21:38:17 UTC

There will be a party in Mansfield Central Park on June 18, 2016 from 11AM - 8PM offering Live Music, Food Vendors, Arts and Crafts and more!

Sponsored by the Mansfield NAACP, The NECIC, Richland Community Action, and the Mary McLedo-Bethune Intervention and Enrichment Center. 


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