Posted by admin on Saturday, April 15, 2017 @ 14:56:16 UTC MelissaH0243 writes Here in Northeast Ohio is a group of people dedicated to spreading Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK) to bring a bit of cheer into the lives of the residents around them. This group is called Northeast Ohio Rocks. These RAOKs come in the form of hidden painted rocks. It may seem like a small insignificant thing but sometimes it's the small gestures that can make a big impact in someone's day.
Topic: Community Articles |
Posted by admin on Friday, February 24, 2017 @ 21:32:56 UTC MelissaH0243 writes Hosted by Frack FreeOhio and United Citizens Action Network (UCAN), Save the Wayne Fundraiser is an effort to help preserve and protect our public lands. The Wayne National Forest is under threat from the expansion of fossil fuel development due to the auctioning of land for hydraulic fracturing by the federal government. Topic: Community Articles |
Posted by admin on Saturday, February 18, 2017 @ 15:56:54 UTC MelissaH0243 writes Topic: Community Articles |
Posted by admin on Thursday, December 01, 2016 @ 00:13:55 UTC Jamesp writes Recently our community learned that Brigitte Coles, News Anchor at our local TV station: WMFD has been faced with a tragedy. After a bout with some other recent medical issues Brigitte has been diagnosed with Spindle Cell Sarcoma, a rare form of cancer. She has a long road ahead, starting with radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy. Back in the summer of 2015 when a friend of the writer of this article was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer Brigitte was the first to climb on board and offer her persona and position to help raise money for a man she never met before. This single act is a testament to her character and is an example of how she strives to treat everyone in the community that she serves. Read More...Topic: Community Articles |
Posted by Admin on Friday, October 07, 2016 @ 19:13:33 UTC Event_Editor writes The Humane Society will be holding its annual rummage sale at the Richland County Fairgrounds on October 15th, from 9AM -5PM. This annual rummage sale is to raise funds for operating costs for the shelter including medical expenses for our residents. Please join us and find new-to-you treasures! Topic: Community Articles |
Posted by Admin on Thursday, September 08, 2016 @ 00:28:04 UTC Event_Editor writes The Mansfield Charter of Police Wives of Ohio, Inc. is hosting the first annual Donut Dash 5K Walk/Run at Central Park in Downtown Mansfield on Sunday September 11th from 8AM - Noon. This event is open to the public to honor and support our area Law Enforcement agencies and all they do to protect and serve our communities. Topic: Community Articles |
Posted by Admin on Thursday, August 11, 2016 @ 13:11:26 UTC autismwalk writes The Autism Awareness Walk-a-thon will be having a Garage Sale for Autism on August 20th at the Richland County Fairgrounds. Topic: Community Articles |