- Yoga at Gorman Nature Center
- Fall Hike for Health at Malabar Farm State Park
- 16th Annual Strutt Your Mutt 5K to Benefit the Humane Society of Richland County
- Cats on Mats to Benefit HSRC at Evolve-barre yoga pilates LLC
- Create Your Own Tincture with Nicholas Copley at Kingwood Center Gardens
- 18th Annual Ashland Balloonfest 5K Run/Walk
- DMI Walks with Downtown Mansfield Inc. and Just Walk Richland
- Marvin Memorial Walk Series in Shelby with Just Walk Richland
- 4th Annual Shawshank Hustle at the Ohio State Reformatory
- Yoga with Alpacas at Alpaca Meadows
- Kingwood\'s 9th Annual Family 5K Run Walk
- Healthy Cooking with Anne Massie of Altered Eats at Kingwood Center Gardens
- Richland Public Health Presents Bike to Work Week
- Intro to Herbs and Medicine with Nicholas Copley of Lionheart Medicinal Gardens
- Take A Drive, Save A Life Drug Free 2017 Car and Bike Event at Marshall Park
- 10th Annual Divine Heart Expo at Richland County Fairgrounds
- Senior Health and Wellness Fair at the Mansfield Area Y
- 5th Annual Zumbathon and Health Fair in the Reformatory
- Drama Therapy for Veterans at The Renaissance Theatre
- Ohio Health offers free yoga class on Saturday October 1st
- The Right Bran for Lowering Cholesterol
- 4 Health Benefits of Jasmine Tea